
Showing posts from May, 2023

The Evolution of Mass Media: From Print to Digital

  Nowadays, amid the popularity of digital media, we cannot imagine there was a time for print media. Earlier, people relied on oral communication; the news was told by running and spreading it to everyone. After that, writing news in picture form and crude languages started, and then the invention of paper and printing press media began. Print media is the printed version of news through newspapers and magazines. The long process made mass distribution impossible, but it was the primary news and entertainment source. People were also eager to make a career in mass communication then, as it was the most exciting field for those who loved to communicate and work for the public. Now is the time of digital media, which is giving tough competition to print media. Digital Vs. print media Nowadays, people are more exposed to digital media, based on the growing prevalence of smartphones and tablets and wireless networks that help them connect to increasingly digital devices. Many top-...